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Friday, August 1, 2014

Boys are gross.

Many, many years ago I was a camp counselor at a camp my younger brother attended.  I was in high school and I think he was probably ten or eleven years old.  This particular camp had nightly shower time and a river, but no swimming pool.  When I looked at my brother midweek--maybe Wednesday or Thursday, he was gross.  Dirty (from the river and activities), bloody (from a skinned knee), and generally, um, icky.  I turned to his counselor, a friend of mine, as our two groups of kids participated in an activity, thinking I'd say, "Dude, you have to make sure he showers before Saturday...I do not want to ride home in the car with that mess".  As the word "Dude" came out of my mouth, I took a closer look at the male counselor--ewwwww...he was at least as dirty and nasty as my brother, with the added bonus of teenager boy sweat.  I remember changing my words midstream...."Duuuudde..look at those kids run" (or something equally intelligent).  I actually don't remember the ride home in the car, it was about a three hour trip, so my brother must have cleaned up a little (or I was so tired by then that I just fell asleep).

Today I was collecting laundry to wash so we can continue packing for our Midwestern Adventure.  I've been doing a load or two a day, sometimes small, all week, just to keep up and make sure that I don't miss anything important.  I emptied The Boy's hamper yesterday, so I went into his room today to get a couple more things for a load of darks...and it was empty.  Hmm...I looked around and there was no sign of "used" underwear or clothes.  He happened to be standing in the hall, so I said, "Hey, where's your underwear from yesterday?  I want to wash it".  His response?  "Duh, I'm wearing it."  Ew. Boys are gross.

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