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Thursday, August 7, 2014

What I read in July

Gee...only seven books in July and three were on CD in the car...
1.  Tomb of the Golden Bird (Elizabeth Peters)--This is the last of the Ameila Peabody series.  There is still a rumor that the last "missing" book will be published in a year or two, but I'm not holding my breath.  It is Amelia's version of how Howard Carter found King Tut's tomb.  A nice place for the series to end, good poolside reading.
2. Night in Twisted River (John Irving) This book sat on my pile for months...I just kept renewing it.  It ended up being a good book--nice story that followed several generations of a family.  It was set in the northeast--mostly in Maine and New Hampshire.  It is long though--not a quick read, but good.
3.  South of Broad (Pat Conroy) My book club is reading this for August, so I thought maybe for something new I'd actually read the "assigned" book.  I enjoyed the book--you can read the summary on Amazon. It is set in the south and follows a group of friends from the 60's through now.  And I'll be prepared for the book club discussion...maybe.
4.  Out of Time (Deborah Truscott) This was free book on Amazon a while back, I downloaded it and read it while on vacation.  It is about a woman who discovers a time traveler in her garden shed.  It was good for a quick vacation (free) read.  I might even buy the sequel...
5.  Harry Potter 1 On CD in the car...what more is there to say
6.  Harry Potter 2  ditto...
7.  The Laughter of Dead Kings (Elizabeth Peters) When I stopped at the library this was in, so I checked it out.  Surprisingly (or not?) the kids loved it--they kept trying to solve the mystery as we read.  I particularly like this series because it is the last of the "Vicky" series and ties Vicky and Amelia...which doesn't mean much to those of you who don't read these series, but I enjoyed them.

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