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Monday, August 4, 2014

Happy Anniversary, Suburban Ranch Blog!

This posts marks the end of my first year as a blogger--yay, me!

Recently someone asked me why I blog--I told her the reasons were kind of complicated, but that I think it is an excuse to keep a diary again.  I was a diligent diary writer for years, starting in fifth grade when my grandmother gave me a little cloth-bound diary for my birthday.  I kept stacks of spiral notebooks for years, writing in them sporadically in loopy, eighties handwriting.  The last time my parents moved my mom handed me a stack and said, "What do you want to do with these?"  With my two kids standing there, asking to read them, I regret (or maybe not?) to say I threw out almost all of them.  I did keep the cloth bound one and a couple others, which must be in a box somewhere, but a great deal of my angst from my teens and twenties is (hopefully) in a landfill somewhere.

I also like to kid myself that someday I'll print out (or have printed) all these entries and make them into a book for the kids--Laura Ingalls always said that she started writing about every day things so the way she grew up wouldn't be forgotten.  We'll the meantime, it is a good way to share funny (or not funny) stories with friends and family who live near and far--this way I only write once, instead of several times and you can all see what we are up to.

In any case, thanks for reading!

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