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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Hoeft, continued...

So I wrote this as once post first, but realized it was super long, so I split it in half.  That also gives me another day of posting without too much stress...ahhhh :)

Finally,  there is the beach.  Growing up, I didn't really think about it too much--Indiana isn't much of a coastal state, so the fact that Lake Huron is frigid didn't really seem unusual to me.  I do remember that the ranger station used to post the water temperature at the swimming beach and my brother and would get excited if it was 65 degrees, because that was "warm"....brrrrr.... They don't post the temps anymore, but it was still frigid...that hasn't stopped my kids from enjoying the water and the beach though!
 2014, coming back from a chilly swimming this day!
 The Boy and Grandma observe the crazy waves--clearly this was a red flag (No Swimming!) day.
 A few days later, The Boy and the Girl jump right in and spent the afternoon playing in the water and building things on the beach.

Above we have a hole I dug in 2014 (with my feet and The Girl's feet in it) and to the right are my brother and I in probably 1983 digging a very similar hole.  With that same sand bucket.  It must have been well made.

The Boy and the Girl on a chilly beach, 2009.  With matching raincoats...aren't they cute?  You'd almost think I planned that.

More sand fun (or not fun, if you look at The Girl's face".  She must be my child) This is 2009 and it is possible that these are the same buckets from 2014...but not from the 80's.

Here are my brother and I, it looks like he is about the same age as The Boy was in 2009, so this would make this photo around 1980.  It looks cold.

 Same year--see all my cool Girl Scout patches on my sweatshirt?  If I was really motivated to find the year, I could go look at the patches on my wall hanging...

 I've always liked this picture (left) of myself, so here's a self-promoting post.  I liked that sweatshirt, was fuzzy on the inside.
 The photo on the right may be 1989.  I have pictures of myself wearing that shirt as a senior in high school and in college.  I think I must have thrown sand in my brother's eyes.  Or he is trying to hide from the camera.  Either seems like a reasonable answer to "what is he doing?"

This also must be the mid/late 80's...maybe 84 or 85.  We didn't walk this far down the beach in 2014 because the beach is much narrower now.  We think it is more due to the lake being higher instead of due to erosion, but who knows. I seem to be examining something in the water...sometimes there are little fishies...they are cute.

So there is part one of my "family history/summer vacation travel log"...stay tuned for more installments as we ease into fall!

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