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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Day in My Life 3 pm until bedtime-ish

continued from 9/1...

continued from 9/1 (which was continued from 8/30)... I go to reverse my trip from this morning, sort of...I head for the kid's school and pick up The Boy from after school care where he is busily working with Legos.  He denies having any homework.  Hmm.   The Girl is at cross country practice, so we cool (or heat as the case may be) our heels in the parking lot for a little while--I work on my computer and he does interpretive dance/marital arts moves in the parking lot.  A friend of ours picking up his kids stops and we chat for a few minutes...and observe The Boy. Hours of entertainment this one provides... The Girl jogs back and appears at the car--we hop in an off we go...

4:15  We take the "long way" (non highway) to avoid the icky construction.  The benefit is that it gives us time to continue listening to The Witch of Blackbird Pond.  After listening to Harry Potter (the entire series) about 32 times we are trying to move on.  I loved this book as a kid and both kids kept turning it down in book version...the reading is pretty good, so we're enjoying in on CD.

5:00  Home...The kids scatter to change clothes, I cook them grilled cheese, check some homework, pack snacks for tomorrow.... and off I go--leaving The Girl complaining that she doesn't want to "babysit" and The Boy thrilled that he has freedom.

6:00 Back to School Night for The Boy.  I text Mr. Ranch, and as he is in the "back to school pep talk,", I decide to wait in the hall and catch up with some mommy friends.  Besides, the only entrance is right in front of the speaker.  Mr. Ranch joins me in the hall and we wander to The Boy's classroom.  After squeezing into 3rd grade size chairs,  we re-meet his teacher, hear all about 3rd grade, chat with some friends, find out which math group he is in...and read his very entertaining letter about "the things we will learn tonight", like he likes dogs and reading.  Um, ok...already knew that .  Nice letter anyway, Kid.

8:15 Home...again...decide to finish this series of blogs, check email and then it is off to bed to read a trashy book before I get up and do it all over again...but different, right?Tomorrow will include some work in the Used Uniform Sale room (at the Kids' school) and Back to School night for me as a teacher, so I better get rest now, that is a looonnggg day!

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