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Monday, September 2, 2013

Alice the Mightly Hunter

Those of you who know Alice the Cat know that she is a nut.  And that she usually drives me nuts.

 She tries to pack herself in the kids backpacks.

 She eats dish towels. and leaps from the curtain rods onto passersby.
 She eats catnip, gets high, then tries to eat the feet of anyone who walks by.

 She eats the dogs' food...and uses the laundry hamper as a kitty litter box.

 She hides under the sink at the vet, and refuses to come out of her carrier.
She hangs out in all kinds of random the "slop" bucket for lobsta night.

 And in the doll house....And yes, opening doors is her specialty...quite often the back screen door.

But this week she earned the title of Mighty Hunter, a much coveted position left empty when MJ left us a couple of years ago.

 That is the look MJ used to give creatures right before she ate them---or just rode them, like she rode a duck many years ago.

The other night, Alice was sitting at the back door.  Mr Ranch and The Boy were watching Star Wars, The Girl and I were upstairs in my bed reading trashy novels.  The Boy came screaming upstairs, "Alice got out!", inspiring a general scene of panic, of course.  It turns out that Alice actually didn't get out, but rather had stuck her paw through a hole (created when Liberty knocked the door off its frame about a year ago) and smacked a mouse.  Mr Ranch reports that it looks like she at least "roughed it up".  Unfortunately Mr. Ranch also was unsure what happened to the mouse after it was smacked..if it limped off towards its den under the tree or if it CAME IN THE HOUSE!!!  After much searching, we decided that maybe it had limped off to its den (we hope).  Alice is now in charge of back door security (with the help of her minion, Tigger) and has instructions to dispose of any mice that she sees, rather than let them limp off...

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