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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Charlie Sheen Tea

At our house this is called Charlie Sheen tea. Why you may ask?  Mr. Ranch was having trouble telling me what kind of tea to buy and he could only remember the word "tiger" (which you may notice, doesn't actually appear on the box).  And since it was around the time Charlie Sheen gave his famous "I have tiger blood" interview, the name has stuck.

It is a quite versatile tea--caffeine free so it can be consumed at night...and it makes a reasonable facsimile of Chai--using almond milk and honey.

So if you're ever at the grocery store with me and I can't figure out the name of "that" tea...this would be it...


  1. I love this post--this is totally something our family would do. (There's actually a local restaurant that Eric and I always refer to as "Hillary's Tears" because it's the site of Hillary Clinton's teary breakdown during the 2008 campaign that briefly swung momentum back in her direction...I tend to forget the restaurant has another, actual name.)

    1. I'm just glad we're not the only ones who do this :)
