Mr. Ranch and I have been discussing buying a new tv for months, but I keep procrastinating because it will require new furniture in the living room and, well, not only do I like my furniture, I don't want to move it. It is really heavy.
So last Saturday, with Life Group scheduled for Sunday afternoon and a college roommate and her family scheduled to arrive later in the week...we decided to start this project. I took The Girl to a babysitting class at 8:00, and when I got home, this was the scene in the living room. Hmm...guess we're really doing this.
With my inept "help", Mr. Ranch was able to get the old entertainment center upstairs to the bonus room, where The Boy and I filled it with games and other stuff (leaving room for the "old" tv and the components). We also hauled up the side cabinets and were able to do some sorting and cleaning--this room even looks bigger!
After all that hauling, we went to event worthy of it's own blog post...but not happening today....and picked up the new furniture. And had lunch. Mmmm...meatballs. Meanwhile, downstairs...all 10,000 DVD's were on the dining room table
Now the really good news is that I was able to move all the games from the downstairs hall closet to either the "Goodwill box" or to the cabinets upstairs... so our hall closet is now company worthy.
In other news, the upstairs now has a "reading nook" as the children call it--with that adorable chair from the Halloween post. You know, that chair that The Boy still wedges himself into, despite it being made for infants..Yep, that chair..
The good news is that everything was put together and put away before Life Group, although our group members said, "We wouldn't have minded" (My answer? "We'd have to meet on the front porch...")
Stay tuned for our next project..The Christmas tree (but not until after The Boy's birthday!)
look at all those books! :D