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Friday, November 15, 2013

Indy, the uncooperative dog

For several years, Indy Dog has slept in an arm chair in our bedroom at night.  No, we didn't set out to "let" her sleep on the furniture, but it happened and she is old, (14 next spring), so we just let it go.  A couple weeks ago we noticed that she was struggling to get into her chair each night, so we decided that maybe replacing the chair with a dog bed of similar size and shape would be nice for her.  I was on fall break a couple weeks ago and was wandering through Walmart and came across a dog bed that not only seemed the right size, but wasn't ridiculously expensive...Ironically ,Walmart is where we bought a cat bed for MJ the cat several years ago.  That bed now lives at my parents house for Nicci the dog...anyway, back to Indy.
I bought the bed and brought it home.  I dropped it in the family room while I did other things--figuring I'd take it upstairs later.  Indy was not impressed so I picked her up and tucked her into it...
 She looks comfy here, right?
 Ok, not so much here...she is getting up to leave..

So I left the bed and went in the other room...when I came back I found Liberty "in" the, no, this isn't really working....

 I chased Lib out of the bed...and, hello, here comes Tigger...Are you kidding me?

And finally, my favorite...The Boy trying to show Indy how to use the bed--it caused flashbacks to when my brother tried to teach his dog to jump through a hula hoop..

The dog bed is in our bedroom now and a couple nights Indy has humored us by lying near or half in it...we'll see what she thinks when it gets colder.  Or maybe we'll just let The Boy use it.  Whatever.

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