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Thursday, February 13, 2014

My second job...or is it my first?

Today was supposed to be my "short" day of teaching--I teach two classes, both in the morning, and then I have two planning periods.  Funny how things work out and interfere with my plans.  All those papers I intended to grade are still in my bag (it is now 9 pm) and the projects I "needed" to do are on my desk. I left school and brought the kids home and spent about 3 hours helping The Girl with her homework.  No, I didn't do it for her, although it took every ounce of my teacher skill set to not just tell her "grrr...write this".  After many tears (from her) we survived, without me loosing my mind or my cool and both kids are tucked into bed.   I have a stack of US History papers to grade and a paper to write so I can earn credit for the conference I attended last week.  I was sitting here stressing a little about all the piles (not only the paper piles, but the laundry piles) and saw that one of my teacher friends posted this article on her facebook page. If you haven't read it, I recommend it...I think it rings true for What Students Remember Most About Teachers as well as what our kids (who live at our house) will probably remember about their childhoods as well.

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