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Friday, February 21, 2014

The continuing saga of Tony da Fish

So we are suckers.  We felt bad for Tony da Fish, and Petsmart (The Evil Empire?) had fish tanks on sale for half Tony got a new tank. Since he was a big as his old tank, I guess it is ok.  Here he is, checking out the new digs...
 And here is is new friend, George the snail.  I tried to video it, but wasn't fast enough (ironic, as George is a snail) soon as Tony discovered George, Tony began to head butt George and nibble at his shell.  His attacks seem to have slowed down, perhaps George is now inducted into Tony's Gang.
 Doesn't this give you the creeps?  I mean, if a fish could have a death look, then this would be it...
 Just to review...Tony da Fish was the smallest fish that Petsmart sold, is now about 3.5 inches long.  

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