My adventure began on Thursday evening when I realized I hadn't ordered mussels. In case you didn't get the memo, mussels are an important part of our Lobster Boil. Lucky for me, our neighborhood King Soopers had some in stock on Friday morning and were willing to hold them for me until I could get there after school. Whew..
Mussels soaking to finish the de-sanding--although these fellows were farmed raised, so not as much sand as the free range mussels. What is a free range mussel, anyway? How do they actually range? Seriously?
to go with the strawberries....and angel food cake! (yum!)
Hello Lobsters in my cooler...Of course I will now spend the rest of the week trying to get "that fishy smell" out of the cooler....Maybe I need a dedicated lobster cooler!
Here is the cooking set-up--a turkey cooker (that has never seen a turkey). Several years ago we decided (in May) that we needed an additional turkey cooker. Have you ever looked for a turkey cooker in May?
So, funny story. The Girl and I set the table inside (see how pretty it is?)....then decided it was too nice to eat inside--
and the outside table is bigger anyway! First meal on the patio this spring!
Here we go...the first course is served--mussels, corn, rolls, and salad.
The Boy is a mussel expert
In go the lobstas....
Tigger is very happy though.
Hello, lobstas! The bucket is our old fireplace ash works really well as a shell bucket (Just like Joe's Crab Shack!)
Someone is an actress...she ate the lobster, the tears are fakey. She was also excited to have corn on the cob, possibly the first corn on the cob since braces, round 2, came off.
Do you like my bib?
The cake is perfect!
As we started to slow down, it started to cool off
So dessert was an indoor affair
Um, no, Tigger...that is so not for you!
So there it is...our spring lobster boil in full living color...Now it is summer, right?
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