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Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day in a winter wonderland

Saturday we went on a lovely hike with the Cub Scouts (more on that later) and then came home to prepare for a spring storm.  Hard to believe, but up to 20 inches of snow was predicted for the Denver area by Monday morning.  I was kind of skeptical that we really would have snow, but I'm not taking any chances with my tiny plants.

The tarp covers the lettuce, spinach, and asparagus quite nicely (the peas and radishes haven't come up yet)
The various buckets cover up the plants in the side yard--lilac bushes, hostas, and a couple others we weren't sure were hardy enough to handle a snow storm.
Sure enough, Sunday morning brought a dusting of snow/sleet.
The kids helped make a mother's day breakfast--I'd be a little worried if Alice was looking at me like that...
But it didn't keep The Girl from her task of chopping strawberries!

Creepy cat...

Tigger wanted some, too!
As the day went on, we had a little more than a fact, the last time I checked, despite the melting, we had almost four inches on parts of the patio.
Mr. Ranch went out a couple times to brush snow off the apple tree--we were a little worried about the branches holding up to a few inches of heavy snow.  He also spent an hour or so in the garage putting snow tires back on his car--it's not accumulating too much on the roads, but enough that snow tires may be useful tomorrow morning!

It seems like every time I look out we have more snow--reminds me of the May snow storm in "The Long Winter" (Wilder) book--just when they thought winter was over, they had one more storm.  Hopefully, this is it for us!  The moisture is great though--add some sunshine, and this yard should go nuts!

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