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Sunday, May 4, 2014

Springtime in the Rockies

It seems like my blog posts are either plentiful or non-existant...this has been a week of plentiful posts, these pictures are actually from last weekend, when we had a little cold snap and didn't get much done on the yard or garden.  I did take a minute to snap a few pictures.

 Blossoms on the apple tree...we're at year 2 in our yard, so it is possible that in 1-2 more years we'll have apples.
 That mystery plant by the composter has leaves again--I'm thinking it is actually a tree, rather than just a finger of the neighbor's tree.  We'll see.
 The cherry tree has leaves, but no blossoms yet, which is ok, because technically this is year 1 of possible blossoms and at least a couple more years to go before we'll have fruit.
 Potatoes are planted!  In buckets!
 And the lettuce and spinach are coming up--soon we'll have fresh salad from the yard!

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