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Sunday, August 11, 2013


I never understood drinking coffee until after my daughter was born.  I'd laugh at people who "needed their cup every morning"...Right.  Probably a year after The Girl was born, coffee became my new best friend.  Every couple of years I either purposefully or accidentally give up coffee, usually during the summer..  This summer I gave it up somewhat accidentally...or maybe just lazily.  The week the kids had swimming lessons we were struggling to get out of the house on time and I kept forgetting to set the coffee maker the night before.  So after having a headache for two afternoons in a row I figured out that I was having caffine I just powered through it.  I go back to school on Tuesday...anyone want to place bets on if I cave and go back to coffee or if hot tea is going to fit the bill? think I already can feel a Starbucks pit stop in my future...

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