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Monday, December 16, 2013

Advent at the Ranch

Mr Ranch says it is a dumb "rule", but I don't like to get a Christmas tree until after The Boy's birthday and his party...partially because I don't want the party guests messing with the tree.  But I do like to start decorating when Advent begins.  We try to light our advent wreath every night and read from an Advent calendar.  Several years ago I couldn't find one that we really liked so I created our own compilation-

complete with family pictures and drawings by the kids!

I also put out the nativities--The Veggie-Little People hybrid and the others--
 This one, from Mr. Ranch's mom--she bought one piece a year for years and gave it to us to use when she moved into a smaller apartment.  I added the stable, I bought it several years ago to use with a nativity I bought at a garage sale.
 My "naughty angels"--made by and a favorite of my Grandmothers--the one on the left is holding a sling shot behind her back, the one on the right has a dolly tucked in her belt, and the one in front has "lost" her halo.  They are becoming more delicate each year, so some years I don't put them out.  You can also see a gold angel candle holder made by the same grandmother and an angel playing a violin that belonged to my other grandmother.
 My grandmother also made the last two nativities--the one on the left she had at her house for many years.
The nativity below is using the stable that Mr. Ranch's mom bought for her set (above)...I switched them because they just seem to fit better this way.
A few years ago I found a nativity identical to this one, although not missing as much paint, and not as well made, at a garage sale.  Two years ago, my mom gave the original to me for Christmas. My mom used to say that all the paint is rubbed off because I liked to (from a young age) move all the participants around so they were in the "right" places.  The garage sale one is now in a box, waiting for one of the children to want it, I suppose.

I did add the donkey on the far right--he usually lives in my china cabinet, but I thought he should have a chance to see daylight.  He is stamped with "West Point", so he also came from my grandparent's house.

 This sheep is in the right location--facing Baby Jesus--you can see he is missing a lot of paint from being moved (and petted).

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