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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Books I read in November 2013

I was a slacker in November.  I only "read" 8 books and three of them were actually listened to in the car...let's start with those :)
1, 2, 3  39 Clues, Books 6, 7, 8: I'm (we're ) still enjoying this series--the kids and I are wondering if the "2nd series" about the same kids will be as the rate the authors are cranking these out, listening to these could keep us busy until the kids leave for college.
4.  Double Crossed (Ally Carter) Again I think this is probably cheating, this was actually a novella, linking the two series Ally Carter writes (Gallager Girls and Heist Society).  It was entertaining, took about an hour to read.  Probably not very interesting to anyone who hasn't read the other two series.
5.   Revealed (Cast and Cast)Ugh.  This is the long awaited, next to last book in the House of Night know, the one I hated, then couldn't put down.  It was fine...not sure it was worth the wait, but interesting, I guess.  Now we have to wait until next October to read the last one...then I can be done with them.  Forever.
6.  House of Hades (Rick Riordan)Of the three sequels I read this month, this was probably the best.  I do still find it entertaining that Riordan told everyone that he wasn't going to write about Percy Jackson anymore and this book was primarily about Percy (and Annabeth).  If you're a fan of Percy and his friends this one was worth the wait.
7.  Allegiant (Veronica Roth)I can't decide how I feel about this book.  There are lots of spoilers on the internet if you don't want to read it and want to know what happened.  I'm glad I read it, but was disappointed in how the author chose to end the series.  Oh well.
8.   The Lincoln Deception (David O Stewart).I borrowed this from the school district lending library for my Kindle. It was a mystery set around the idea that Lincoln's assassination might have been a conspiracy.  Set in 1900, a small town doctor starts trying to find out what happened 40 years previously--I'd recommend this one, pretty entertaining.

December isn't shaping up to be a big reading month...So far I've re-read Catching Fire (Collins) for about the 10th time and that is it.  Guess all that decorating is putting a damper on my reading time!

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