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Friday, January 17, 2014

Maybe only funny if you're here?

This is Elmo.  I'm sure many of you recognize him. Sometime around the time he "jumped" into a pitcher of beer, we decided we better get a back up Elmo.  Unfortunately, we never found an identical friend, so we resigned ourselves to Elmo taking vacations to be bathed, stitched up, etc....and sincerely hoped that he never got lost...

Soooo...we thought we were so smart when The Boy's friend, Aardvark (whose brother is a Tiger) joined our family...Shortly afterwards we purchased (and hid) "Emergency Aardvark".  For a few years, Emergency Aardvark served his purpose well, filling in for Aardvark during many emergencies (including the time that Aardvark hid in the entertainment center, with his brother the Tiger and friend,Skyper, the tree kangaroo, for three months.  This morning, The Boy (who discovered the existence of Emergency Aardvark a few years ago), said, "Hey, Aardvark is filthy...where is Emergency Aardvark? Maybe Aardvark can take a bath!".
Well, here are the Aardvarks...can you tell the difference? (Notice Liberty's nose, she clearly thinks they smell differently...) Can you hear me laughing hysterically?
"Oh, yeah, they are TOTALLY identical"
 This was The Boy's reaction, by the way...

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