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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I finished!

Since I was about The Boy's age I've had the goal (on and off) to read the entire Bible.  I've made good starts before...making it a good way through the Old Testament or the New (depending on where I started) before stopping for various reasons.
Last year about this time, Mr. Ranch's dad asked a bunch of us family members if we would be interested in a copy of the Guideposts Daily Bible--it is set up with a reading for each day--The Daily Bible, for sale on Amazon  I said, "sure, I'll try it"...and it has worked out well!  I have to be honest, there were a few days I didn't read the assigned day--in fact, I started reading on about January 7 and spent the first few weeks playing catch-up.  It includes explanations and information about each book of the Bible...not a bad way to read the entire Bible!  Now I have to find a daily reading for 2014...hmmm...

1 comment:

  1. WTG Sarah. Frankie and I both finished it as well. I just ordered a new Catholic bible which should arrive next week. I am going to determine how many pages I must real each day to finish the New Testament this year (I guess about 2). Once I read the pages each day I plan on recording my thoughts about what I have read. That may prove to be quite interesting.
