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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Stupid toe

On New Year's Eve morning I managed to trip over a box of Victrola records in my room.  Yes, we have box of Victrola records in our room.  No, we don't own a Victrola.  We do own a record player though...but they don't work on it.  Initially I just said, "ow, ow, ow" and kept walking...then I thought, "uh, oh...that really hurt...I hope I didn't break my foot...d'oh".

When The Boy was about a year old we were rushing around the house getting ready to go to The Girl's January program and I stepped off the bed (I was standing on it, to put the attic ladder away, duh)....and broke my foot.  Yowsers...that hurt.  I was on crutches for a week until they put a walking boot on and then in a boot for 12 weeks.  I had to take it off to drive to school everyday...good times.

So anyway, back to late 2013...I took a look at my foot and decided that I had only broken the little toe on my right foot.  I actually broke the same toe in college--in almost the same way..well, there wasn't a box of Victrola records, but there was music.  In college I hobbled around and convinced various boys to give me piggy back rides...ah, the joy of being 19, right?  This time I taped up my foot, took three Advil, and stuffed my foot into my Uggs.  Mr. Ranch and The Girl were skiing so it was just The Boy and I.  I settled down in the living room with an ice pack on my toe, just in time to see The Boy pop a very large balloon...right by his eye.  So then both of us were sitting around with ice packs and neither of us had left the house..nice.  I had planned to run all kind of errands and run around those last few days of break..but maybe the broken toe was God's way of saying, "Sit down and read a book, or watch old episodes of Downton Abbey...but just sit".  The toe is much better today--still taping it every morning ,but it is much less purple and I no longer have the urge to scream every time I take a step, so that's progress, right? And several days of sitting, while not good for my walking regimen, did help me review all of last season's Downton before the new season started.  Yay!

Is there a moral here?  Well, maybe that we shouldn't buy Victrola records just because they are cool...and maybe breaks are for sitting and watching Downton...

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