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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Tony da Fish...the story continues

So I'm a little hesitant to write this almost a week ahead...a lot can happen to a fish in a week.

You may remember Tony da Fish and his friend, Goldy II, from an earlier post--New Fish.  I neglected to mention in that post that Tony is the most hyperactive fish I have ever seen. Since we brought him home, he literally spends hours a day zigging and zagging around the tank at a relatively high speed for a fish in a tank.  A few days after we brought him home, I googled "hyperactive fish" and read that hyperactive fish are reacting the chemicals in the water and will die shortly.  Clearly not the case for our friend, Tony, since he is still around months later.

I really thought I had written an update and given everyone the bad news that Goldy II had passed on to wherever fish go about a week after she joined us...but I can't find the update, so I guess I didn't.  One morning I came downstairs and Goldy II, who, it turns out, was the white fish, was on the bottom of the tank (yes the bottom) not breathing, or whatever it is fish do.  Tony was accused by The Girl of killing Goldy.  We of course, said, "no, no...blah, blah".  We replaced Goldy with snail, who, for a couple weeks, kept the tank slightly cleaner.  Then one day the snail's shell was empty and rolling across the bottom of the, where did the snail go?  This time Tony was accused of actually eating the snail, which, since we never found any snail parts, seems somewhat likely.

Here is Tony da Fish this morning, clearly outgrowing his (dirty) tank...yes, he is about 3-4 inches long.  It is hard to get a good photo, as the tank is dirty and he never. stops. moving.

And here he is in September, back when he could swim through the pagota (and before he had Goldy done away with...).
Hmm.  He might be a match for Alice the Cat after all...

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