When the kids were little we used to joke that it took all day to open the Christmas gits and when it was over we had a room full of toys and the kids were playing with the boxes. That (first world) problem has gotten exponentially better as they got older, but I'm always looking for ways to make Christmas about, well, Christmas, not about the gifts. A few weeks before Christmas, I saw a blog (or a meme, or something) that suggested that kids (and I suggest everyone) should get 4 gifts (and only 4 gifts, although we didn't hit that goal this year). The suggestions for the four gifts were one of each of these: toy, clothes, something they need, something they want. I added "and a book" to the list this year, and by working closely with Santa and the grandparents was able to make sure all these bases were covered. I don't want to speak for Santa, but I know the list made me much more thoughtful when choosing gifts. Finding a toy for a 14 year old girl was challenging, as was finding something that either child needed. Stockings were still free game--lots of "stuff", but the stocking rule is "cheap", so it isn't really an issue. Here's what the kids ended up with for gits from Mom and Dad and Santa:
Girl Boy
Need phone charger dress socks with R2D2 and storm troopers on them
Want lamp Legos
Clothes sweatshirt pajamas in a size that fits
Toy spinning Minion Micromachines (Star Wars)
(it is awesome...)
Book Adulting: How to Q and A a Day for Kids: A Three Year Journal
Become an Adult in
468 Easy(ish) Steps (highly recommended
by one of my recently graduated seniors)
I'm happy with how it turned out this year...I'm thinking of trying to institute the rule for Mr IM next year, too. I like the idea that you are never too old to receive a toy and that you receive something you need, something you want and a book...
We had a nice Christmas, it was just the four of us this year. Had a tasty prime rib that made the best stew ever and there are a couple pieces left for sandwiches today. We're spending a lot of time this break hanging out with Morrison (and Liberty)...right now Morrison is passed out under my feet while I type! The New Year's Eve plan is to watch some movies and probably make chilli.
Happy New Year!
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Tigger's Christmas Letter 2015
Greetings from the (Sub)urban ranch!
I've heard through the grapevine that many people are disappointed that did not write a Christmas letter last year...let me assure you that I am alive and well...I am, however, no longer able to leap to the top of the desk in a single bound, so my computer time is quite limited these days.
Mr IMs continues to work at his own law practice. He keeps busy with work but takes some time off occasionally to hang out with the family--today he is skiing with the Girl, while the Boy attends snowboarding team. He is currently planning how to finish the side yard of the house to keep my new "friend" out of trouble (more on her later). This summer he got a new engine for his Subaru and a new hood--the auto shop at Mrs. Ranch's school was excited to get the old hood!
Mrs. Ranch started how her 14th year at her current high school and her 23rd year of teaching this year. She keeps busy with blogging and driving the children around...throwing in a few minutes of reading most nights. This fall she participated in her first yarn crawl and can't wait to do it again this year!
The Girl is a Freshman in High School. After several high school visits and some debate, she ended up at a school about half way between home and The Boy's school. She played volleyball on the undefeated Freshman team this year and joined a club team as a practice player. Last summer she went to Italy with Mr. IM's mom for a pilgrimage and returned with lots of great stories. She's not playing drums anymore, so the set has been dismantled and the futon returned to the bonus room...giving me a fantastic place to sleep.
The Boy is a 5th grader this year. He continues guitar lessons this year and even got a new acoustic guitar from Grandude this year. He continues to spend every Saturday from Thanksgiving to Easter snowboarding on a team--last summer he went to snowboarding camp and had a lot of fun. He enjoyed telling the family about all the late night tv he watched in his dorm room.
The people tell me that I'll be 18 in the spring. I still keep busy, making sure the people are up every day at 5. Some days they shout, "Dude, its the weekend!", but I think they are delusional...I don't know what a weekend is, but I do know I need a glass of water and fresh food every day at 5! Alice the Cat is 7 in the spring. She likes to hide these days and has taken over MJ's pillow on the adult's bed--drooling her way to sleep. Liberty, is probably 5 this year. She is enjoying being the "older dog", most days welcoming, Morrison, the Saint Huskimo puppy, born on September 11 and joining our family Thanksgiving weekend. Morrison's favorite activities are eating everything chasing everything and trying to get everyone to play with her.
The people's extended families are all well, Mrs Ranch's parents are busier in retirement than they were before they retired. Her younger brother and his family keep busy, her nephew will be five in the spring and provides the Ranch with lots of videos and photos to make us laugh. Mr. Ranch's dad retired this year and is job hunting in the Denver area. Mr. Ranch's mom also retired this year and moved into an adult living community where she keeps busy with all kinds of community and church activities. The infamous Mrs. Pretzel (IM"s sister) welcomed another boy to the family this October, bringing the people's nephew total to 3.
We hope this letter finds you all well and wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from our (Sub)urban Ranch!
Tigger (and family)
I've heard through the grapevine that many people are disappointed that did not write a Christmas letter last year...let me assure you that I am alive and well...I am, however, no longer able to leap to the top of the desk in a single bound, so my computer time is quite limited these days.
Mr IMs continues to work at his own law practice. He keeps busy with work but takes some time off occasionally to hang out with the family--today he is skiing with the Girl, while the Boy attends snowboarding team. He is currently planning how to finish the side yard of the house to keep my new "friend" out of trouble (more on her later). This summer he got a new engine for his Subaru and a new hood--the auto shop at Mrs. Ranch's school was excited to get the old hood!
Mrs. Ranch started how her 14th year at her current high school and her 23rd year of teaching this year. She keeps busy with blogging and driving the children around...throwing in a few minutes of reading most nights. This fall she participated in her first yarn crawl and can't wait to do it again this year!
The Girl is a Freshman in High School. After several high school visits and some debate, she ended up at a school about half way between home and The Boy's school. She played volleyball on the undefeated Freshman team this year and joined a club team as a practice player. Last summer she went to Italy with Mr. IM's mom for a pilgrimage and returned with lots of great stories. She's not playing drums anymore, so the set has been dismantled and the futon returned to the bonus room...giving me a fantastic place to sleep.
The Boy is a 5th grader this year. He continues guitar lessons this year and even got a new acoustic guitar from Grandude this year. He continues to spend every Saturday from Thanksgiving to Easter snowboarding on a team--last summer he went to snowboarding camp and had a lot of fun. He enjoyed telling the family about all the late night tv he watched in his dorm room.
The people tell me that I'll be 18 in the spring. I still keep busy, making sure the people are up every day at 5. Some days they shout, "Dude, its the weekend!", but I think they are delusional...I don't know what a weekend is, but I do know I need a glass of water and fresh food every day at 5! Alice the Cat is 7 in the spring. She likes to hide these days and has taken over MJ's pillow on the adult's bed--drooling her way to sleep. Liberty, is probably 5 this year. She is enjoying being the "older dog", most days welcoming, Morrison, the Saint Huskimo puppy, born on September 11 and joining our family Thanksgiving weekend. Morrison's favorite activities are eating everything chasing everything and trying to get everyone to play with her.
The people's extended families are all well, Mrs Ranch's parents are busier in retirement than they were before they retired. Her younger brother and his family keep busy, her nephew will be five in the spring and provides the Ranch with lots of videos and photos to make us laugh. Mr. Ranch's dad retired this year and is job hunting in the Denver area. Mr. Ranch's mom also retired this year and moved into an adult living community where she keeps busy with all kinds of community and church activities. The infamous Mrs. Pretzel (IM"s sister) welcomed another boy to the family this October, bringing the people's nephew total to 3.
We hope this letter finds you all well and wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from our (Sub)urban Ranch!
Tigger (and family)
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Christmastide Readings
According to Wikipedia, the period between Christmas and Epiphany is known as "Christmastide". This is a time when we remember that the message of Christmas is not just for one day.
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Saint Stephen's Day
Matthew 5:44-45 But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who perscute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.
Saint Sephen was born in 907 AD near Prague. He was educated as a Christian. When he became king, he tried to rule with justice and mercy. Some people didn't like this and attacked and killed him. Before he died, Saint Stephen asked for forgiveness for those who hurt and killed him. Prayer: God, help us to remember to forgive people who hurt us.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
2 Peter 1:2 Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
This season, and especially this week, are often very busy and not very peaceful. What are some ways we an keep ourselves peaceful in this busy time? Prayer: Thank you, God, for your grace and for the excitement of this season. Please help us feel your peace and help us share it with others.
Monday, December 28, 2015
Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Today is the Feast of the Holy Innocents. We remember that King Herod ordered all baby boys in Bethlehem killed because he was afraid Jesus would take his kingdom. Today is an opportunity ot bless children and should also remind us of the persecution that Christians still face today. Prayer: Thank you, God, for children. Bless and care for the children in our lives.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Matthew 7:19 Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
By now, some of our Christmas presents may not seem as exciting as they did a few days ago. Jesus reminds us that our treasures should be in heaven, not here on earth. What treasures are we storing in heaven? Prayer: Thank you, God, for all the treasures we will have in heaven.
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
\John 14:1 Do not let your heart be troubled. Trust in God and also in me.
The New Year often causes people to wonder what will happen in the future. We know that no matter what happens, God will be with us. Prayer: Thank you, God, for always being with us.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Luke 1:46 And Mary said, "My soul praises the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
This week has been full of celebrations and excitement for many of us. This coming week, we will return to our "regular lives", back to work and to school. As we return, we should try to remember the excitement we felt this week about Jesus's birth and share that excitement with others. Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for this wondrous week that began with Christmas. Bless our family this evening and all families everywhere. Open us to the coming New Year and fill it with your presence and love. Amen.
Friday, January 1, 2016
Matthew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
What were the best things about this past year? How has God been good to our family? What are we looking forward to in this New Year? Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for this past year. Thank you for all the blessings and for the lessons we have learned. Help us be your light to people in darkness. Bless this coming year, Lord. Amen.
Saturday, January 2, 2016
1 Corinthians 13:13 And now these three remain, faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of these is love.
God tells us that love is greater than even faith and hope. How do we show love for the people around us? How can we show love for even more people, even those we don't get along with? Prayer: God, help us to love the people around us.
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Galatians 5:13 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom in indulging the sinful nature, rather, serve one another in love.
Sometimes it is hard to show love after the holidays. We are sometimes tired from all the excitement. It is hard to remember to serve others. God reminds us that we are free people and that we should use our freedom to serve. Prayer: Help us remember to serve others. Give us the energy we need to start this new year with your directions in mind.
Monday, January 4, 2016
Ephesians 1:16 I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.
We may have spent time with friends and family this season. It is sometimes easy to remember those we spend time with, but who else are we thankful for? Prayer: Thank you, God, for all the people in our lives.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Matthew 28: 19-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age.
Jesus reminds us in this verse that our job is to spread the word about his love, He also reminds us that He is always with us. Prayer: Thank you, God, for Jesus.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Matthew 2:11 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and worshipped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, and of incense, and of myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.
The Christmas season ends with the Feast of the Epiphany. As we take down our Christmas decorations and continue our return to "real life, we celebrate again Christ's birth and remember the visits of the wise men and the shepherds. Some families bless their homes on Epiphany and then take down the holiday decorations. In Germany, children go from house to house, collecting offerings for children's ministries and blessing the homes of givers. How can we keep joy of Christmas in our hearts and keep Jesus's message in our hearts all year? Prayer: We shoult for joy, we praise you, oh, God, with hearts filled with gladness! Emmanuel has come, our Savior, Christ the Lord. In this New Year, help our family to sing your praises through words and deeds. Amen.
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Saint Stephen's Day
Matthew 5:44-45 But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who perscute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.
Saint Sephen was born in 907 AD near Prague. He was educated as a Christian. When he became king, he tried to rule with justice and mercy. Some people didn't like this and attacked and killed him. Before he died, Saint Stephen asked for forgiveness for those who hurt and killed him. Prayer: God, help us to remember to forgive people who hurt us.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
2 Peter 1:2 Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
This season, and especially this week, are often very busy and not very peaceful. What are some ways we an keep ourselves peaceful in this busy time? Prayer: Thank you, God, for your grace and for the excitement of this season. Please help us feel your peace and help us share it with others.
Monday, December 28, 2015
Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Today is the Feast of the Holy Innocents. We remember that King Herod ordered all baby boys in Bethlehem killed because he was afraid Jesus would take his kingdom. Today is an opportunity ot bless children and should also remind us of the persecution that Christians still face today. Prayer: Thank you, God, for children. Bless and care for the children in our lives.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Matthew 7:19 Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
By now, some of our Christmas presents may not seem as exciting as they did a few days ago. Jesus reminds us that our treasures should be in heaven, not here on earth. What treasures are we storing in heaven? Prayer: Thank you, God, for all the treasures we will have in heaven.
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
\John 14:1 Do not let your heart be troubled. Trust in God and also in me.
The New Year often causes people to wonder what will happen in the future. We know that no matter what happens, God will be with us. Prayer: Thank you, God, for always being with us.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Luke 1:46 And Mary said, "My soul praises the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
This week has been full of celebrations and excitement for many of us. This coming week, we will return to our "regular lives", back to work and to school. As we return, we should try to remember the excitement we felt this week about Jesus's birth and share that excitement with others. Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for this wondrous week that began with Christmas. Bless our family this evening and all families everywhere. Open us to the coming New Year and fill it with your presence and love. Amen.
Friday, January 1, 2016
Matthew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
What were the best things about this past year? How has God been good to our family? What are we looking forward to in this New Year? Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for this past year. Thank you for all the blessings and for the lessons we have learned. Help us be your light to people in darkness. Bless this coming year, Lord. Amen.
Saturday, January 2, 2016
1 Corinthians 13:13 And now these three remain, faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of these is love.
God tells us that love is greater than even faith and hope. How do we show love for the people around us? How can we show love for even more people, even those we don't get along with? Prayer: God, help us to love the people around us.
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Galatians 5:13 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom in indulging the sinful nature, rather, serve one another in love.
Sometimes it is hard to show love after the holidays. We are sometimes tired from all the excitement. It is hard to remember to serve others. God reminds us that we are free people and that we should use our freedom to serve. Prayer: Help us remember to serve others. Give us the energy we need to start this new year with your directions in mind.
Monday, January 4, 2016
Ephesians 1:16 I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.
We may have spent time with friends and family this season. It is sometimes easy to remember those we spend time with, but who else are we thankful for? Prayer: Thank you, God, for all the people in our lives.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Matthew 28: 19-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age.
Jesus reminds us in this verse that our job is to spread the word about his love, He also reminds us that He is always with us. Prayer: Thank you, God, for Jesus.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Matthew 2:11 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and worshipped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, and of incense, and of myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.
The Christmas season ends with the Feast of the Epiphany. As we take down our Christmas decorations and continue our return to "real life, we celebrate again Christ's birth and remember the visits of the wise men and the shepherds. Some families bless their homes on Epiphany and then take down the holiday decorations. In Germany, children go from house to house, collecting offerings for children's ministries and blessing the homes of givers. How can we keep joy of Christmas in our hearts and keep Jesus's message in our hearts all year? Prayer: We shoult for joy, we praise you, oh, God, with hearts filled with gladness! Emmanuel has come, our Savior, Christ the Lord. In this New Year, help our family to sing your praises through words and deeds. Amen.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Christmas Readings 2015
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Christmas Eve:
Light all four colored candles and the large white candle.
Luke 2:11 A Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord.
Read your family's favorite version or translation of Jesus's birth together tonight. Prayer: Christ is born for us! Come, let us adore Him. Lord Jesus, in the peace of this season our spirits rejoice with the animals and the angels, with the shepherds and the stars, with Mary and Joseph, we sing God's praise. By your coming, may the hungry be filled with good things, and may our table and home be blessed. Glory to God in the highest and peace to God's people on earth!
Friday, December 25, 2015
Christmas--Light all four colored candles and the large white candle.
Luke 1:68 Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has come and has redeemed his people.
Christmas is finally here! Today we light the white candle in t he middle of our wreath to symbolize the purity of Christ. We should enjoy this day and give thanks to the Lord for giving us the Christ Child. Prayer: Thank you, God, for the gift of Jesus. Thank you for the gifts we receive today, for the phone calls and visits of those we love, and for the memories of friends and family who are not with us today.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Advent week 4, 2015
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Fourth Sunday. This candle is sometimes called the candle of love. It symbolizes that God loves us so much He sent His Son to save us. (Light all four candles). Read one of your family's favorite versions or translations of Jesus's birth. Prayer: Now Jesus's birthday is very near. May his birthday bring joy and happiness to all of us as we try to be more like Jesus. Help us to show love for others.
Monday, December 21, 2015
Luke 2:19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.
This season is a time for memories and reflection. Mary ,the mother of Jesus, might have felt pleased at all the fuss made over her special child. She knew that her child was the Son of God, but rejoiced in knowing so many other people heard the same message from God's angels.What memories Mary would have all her life of this special time! Prayers: Thank you, God, for our memories of special times. Please be with people who are lonely this season and help their memories bring them comfort.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
One of the most popular holiday traditions if to bake and decorate cookies. A long time ago, these treats were hung on Christmas trees. Now people make them for parties and to share with friends and family. When we make these treats, we should thrink about the people who we will share them with. How can we glorify God, even in our simple cookie making? Prayer: God, help us to use our holiday treats to spread your love to other people.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Matthew 25:40 The King will reply, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine you did for me"
The tradition of giving gifts on Christmas is very old. The ancient Romans exchanged gifts on New Year's Day. When the apostles brought the Gospels to Rome, the Romans learned about the Wise Men's gifts to Jesus. As Christianity spread, the gift giving custom changed to imitate the Three Wise Men and gifts were given on Christmas instead of New Year's. Sometimes we become so focused on giving perfect gifts that we forget why we give them. What gifts can we give that don't cost money? Prayer? God, thank you for the best gift of all, Your Son, Jesus. Help us give gifts that show our love for others.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Advent week 3, 2015
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Third Sunday: The Third Sunday of Advent is soetimes known as the cndle of Joy. This pink candle also reminds us that we have reached the mid-point of the Advent Season. Christmas is coming soon! Light three candles, two purple and one pink. Read one of your family's favorite versions or translations of Jesus's birth. Prayer: Now Jesus's birthday is nearer. As we choose gifts for our family and friends, we stop to say: "Thank you, God, for Jesus, your gift that brings joy to us.".
Monday, December 14, 2015
Luke 2:30, 32: For my eyes have seen your salvation,...the light for reveelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people, Israel.
Typically the Christmas story ends with the visit of the wise men from the East. But the story of Christ continues through the New Testament. When we read the Bible, especially Luke 2, we can learn about people other than the wise men who had waited a long time to see Jesus. Simeon and Anna were two of these people who spend most of their lives praying for the Christ Child's coming. When they met him, they praised God. Prayer: Thank you, God, for sending us Jesus. Help us to remember the real reason for Christmas during this busy season.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Luke 2:20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for al the things they had heard and seen"
Imagine the excitement the shepherds felt when the entire sky lit up with angels. The shepherds were probably scared, but an angel told them wonderful news--Christ has been born! The shpherds immediatley jumped up and went to find the baby Jesus. What a happy occasion--the long-awaited King had finally arrived! Christmas is a wonderful time to tell others about Christ. Prayer: Thank you, God, for your gift of Jesus.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Acts 20:35: Lord Jesus himself said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive"
During this season we can become focused on giving and receiving gifts. We can also become more aware of people in need. Not everyone lives in a warm house with three meals a day. During this busy season we should take time to share what we have with others. What are some ways we can do this? Prayer: Thank you, God, for all the comforts we have. Help us to be a comfort to others.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Matthew 2:2 We saw his star in the East and have come to worship him.
There has been lots of confusion about the men who came to visit Jesus. Were they kings? Wise Scholarly men? Did they visit Jesus on the night he was born or when he was a toddler? We do know that they watched the night skies and a new star appeared when Christ was born. This star led them to Jesus. They worshipped Jesus, and then went home by a different path to protect him from King Herod. Prayer: Thank you, God, for the example of the Wise Men. Help us choose gifts for Jesus and for others that are meaningful.
Friday, December 18, 2015
Matthew 2:11 Then they opened their trasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and myrrh.
Do you ever think that the gifts that the Wise Men brought to Jesus were strange gifts for a child? What gifts would you bring ot Jesus? The gifts remind us that Jsus was a king, even when he was a tiny baby. Prayer: Thank you, God, for sending Jesus to live like us. Help us remember to be thankful for gifts we receive.
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Song of Songs 2:12 Flowers appear on the earth, the season of singing has come.
Most Christmas decorations have meaning behind them. For example, legend has it that when a poor family couldn't affort to decorate their tree a spider came to spin beautful webs on the trees to remind the family of the miracle of Christ's birth. Today was use tinsel to remember the legend. According to another legend, a boy and his sister had nothing to give Jesus for his birthday. On the way to church on Christmas Eve, they picked some weeds to place on the manager as a gift. As they prayed at church, the green leaves near the top of the weeds turned to bright red petals, we call this a poinsettia today. Prayer: Thank you, God, for all the wonderful reminders of your love for us.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Happy Birthday to the Boy!
Today is The Boy's 11th Birthday! He is kind of bummed, because his school Christmas program is today, interfering with his plan to eat out at Hibachi...Don't worry, kid, we'll make sure you get to go this weekend!
In honor of throw back Thursday...here are some earlier Boy Birthday posts!
2013 culmulative
In honor of throw back Thursday...here are some earlier Boy Birthday posts!
2013 culmulative
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Advent Week 2, 2015
The outdoor lights have been up for a week--most of the indoor decorations is out...We continue through Advent, looking ahead to an elementary school program this week.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Second Sunday of Advent. Today is the second Sunday of Advent and Saint Nicholas Day. The second Sunday of Advent is a continued time of preparation. This second purple candle is sometimes called the candle of preparation.(Light two purple candles). Today, on Saint Nicholas Day, we remember that he is the saint of travelers. We remember that Mary and Joseph were travelers, far from home. Prayer: Dear God, Thank you for our warm, safe house. As we decorate and prepare our home for Christmas help us to remember and care for people who need shelter today.
Monday, December 7, 2015
Luke 2:7 "....there was no room for them in the inn".
It would have been a long trip between nazareth and Bethlehem. It would have taken them about 10 days to travel the 90 miles. Think about a time when your family took a long trip. How did you feel at the end of the long journey? Were you tired? Hungry? Cold? Mary and Joseph were probably all of these when they reached Bethlehem. They may have felt scared, too, since Mary was about to have a baby and they couldn't find a place to stay. So many people had traveled to Bethlehem for the census that there was no room for them. They must have been thankful when they found a place to stay in the stable. Prayer: Dear God, help us to show love and kindness to each other as we prepare to celebrate Christmas
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born...
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception honors Mary's life. She was chosen to be the Mother of God before she was born--What an amazing thought! We are reminded that God has a plan for all of us, just like he did for Mary. We may not always know or understand God's plan, but if we listen carefully to his directions, we can do what he wants us to do. Dear God, help us to listen to you and follow your plan for us. Thank you for your guidance.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Proverbs 8:30-31 I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his presence, rejoicing in his whole world and delighting in mankind.
During this season we remember that God sent His Son because He loves everyone in the world. This is a time of year when we try to think of others, both family and friends and others around the world. It is a time to rejoice, but also to be thankful and to share what we can.
Prayer: Thank you, God, for sending Jesus. Help us to be generous and kind during this season.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Luke 2:7 She ....placed him in a manger.
After their long journey and search for a place to stay, finally Mary and Joseph had a dy shelter. There were no beds, no clean sheets, and no blankets to keep them warm, probably only straw. Cows and donkeys, and maybe sheep shared the stable with them. Not much of a place for a baby to be born, was it? When Jesus was born, Mary wrapped him in strips of cloth to keep him warm and dry. Prayer: God, thank you for our beds, our blankets, and that we have a safe, warm place to sleep. Please be with those tonight who do not have these things.
Friday, December 11, 2015.
Luke 2:12 You will find a baby wrapped in clothes and lying in a manger.
Nativity scenes are an important tradition for many of us during Advent. They remind us that Jesus's beginnings were very humble. Each of the characters has an important part in the story. They each teach us something and remind us of the meaning of Christmas. Who are some of the characters in our nativity set? What can we learn from them? Prayer: Thank you, God for reminding us of the real reason for Christmas. Help us to remember while we prepare.
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Luke 2:8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.
Sheep need a lot of care. The Bible says, "the shepherds were watching over their sheep.". Why would the shepherds need to stay in their fields at night to watch the sheep? Jesus sometimes calls himself a shepherd. Just like shepherds take care of their sheep, Jesus takes care of us. Shepherds use staffs to guide and protect their sheep. Candy canes are a symbol to help us remember this. The shape of candy canes reminds us of a shepherd's staff and that Jesus is our shepherd. When we hold a candy cane upside down, it looks like a "J" for "Jesus". The red color reminds us of Christ's sacrifice and the white symbolizes His holiness and purity. Prayer. Dear God, help us to remember that you are taking care of us. Thank you for being our shepherd.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Second Sunday of Advent. Today is the second Sunday of Advent and Saint Nicholas Day. The second Sunday of Advent is a continued time of preparation. This second purple candle is sometimes called the candle of preparation.(Light two purple candles). Today, on Saint Nicholas Day, we remember that he is the saint of travelers. We remember that Mary and Joseph were travelers, far from home. Prayer: Dear God, Thank you for our warm, safe house. As we decorate and prepare our home for Christmas help us to remember and care for people who need shelter today.
Monday, December 7, 2015
Luke 2:7 "....there was no room for them in the inn".
It would have been a long trip between nazareth and Bethlehem. It would have taken them about 10 days to travel the 90 miles. Think about a time when your family took a long trip. How did you feel at the end of the long journey? Were you tired? Hungry? Cold? Mary and Joseph were probably all of these when they reached Bethlehem. They may have felt scared, too, since Mary was about to have a baby and they couldn't find a place to stay. So many people had traveled to Bethlehem for the census that there was no room for them. They must have been thankful when they found a place to stay in the stable. Prayer: Dear God, help us to show love and kindness to each other as we prepare to celebrate Christmas
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born...
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception honors Mary's life. She was chosen to be the Mother of God before she was born--What an amazing thought! We are reminded that God has a plan for all of us, just like he did for Mary. We may not always know or understand God's plan, but if we listen carefully to his directions, we can do what he wants us to do. Dear God, help us to listen to you and follow your plan for us. Thank you for your guidance.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Proverbs 8:30-31 I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his presence, rejoicing in his whole world and delighting in mankind.
During this season we remember that God sent His Son because He loves everyone in the world. This is a time of year when we try to think of others, both family and friends and others around the world. It is a time to rejoice, but also to be thankful and to share what we can.
Prayer: Thank you, God, for sending Jesus. Help us to be generous and kind during this season.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Luke 2:7 She ....placed him in a manger.
After their long journey and search for a place to stay, finally Mary and Joseph had a dy shelter. There were no beds, no clean sheets, and no blankets to keep them warm, probably only straw. Cows and donkeys, and maybe sheep shared the stable with them. Not much of a place for a baby to be born, was it? When Jesus was born, Mary wrapped him in strips of cloth to keep him warm and dry. Prayer: God, thank you for our beds, our blankets, and that we have a safe, warm place to sleep. Please be with those tonight who do not have these things.
Friday, December 11, 2015.
Luke 2:12 You will find a baby wrapped in clothes and lying in a manger.
Nativity scenes are an important tradition for many of us during Advent. They remind us that Jesus's beginnings were very humble. Each of the characters has an important part in the story. They each teach us something and remind us of the meaning of Christmas. Who are some of the characters in our nativity set? What can we learn from them? Prayer: Thank you, God for reminding us of the real reason for Christmas. Help us to remember while we prepare.
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Luke 2:8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.
Sheep need a lot of care. The Bible says, "the shepherds were watching over their sheep.". Why would the shepherds need to stay in their fields at night to watch the sheep? Jesus sometimes calls himself a shepherd. Just like shepherds take care of their sheep, Jesus takes care of us. Shepherds use staffs to guide and protect their sheep. Candy canes are a symbol to help us remember this. The shape of candy canes reminds us of a shepherd's staff and that Jesus is our shepherd. When we hold a candy cane upside down, it looks like a "J" for "Jesus". The red color reminds us of Christ's sacrifice and the white symbolizes His holiness and purity. Prayer. Dear God, help us to remember that you are taking care of us. Thank you for being our shepherd.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
What I read in November 2015
November might have been some kind of record...five books, all by the same author--I might be addicted...
1. A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows (Diana Gabaldon)
2. The Space Between (Diana Gabaldon)
3. In the Custom of the Army (Diana Gabaldon)
4. Drums of Autumn (Diana Gabaldon)
5. The Fiery Cross (Diana Gabaldon)
I'm still enjoying Gabaldon's stories--they are entertaining. The new Robert Galbraith book did come into the library, so it is first on my December list (almost finished with it--very good so far!)
I'm still enjoying Gabaldon's stories--they are entertaining. The new Robert Galbraith book did come into the library, so it is first on my December list (almost finished with it--very good so far!)
Officially the first three were Novellas, but Gabaldon's novellas seems extra long, so I'm counting them as books.
Oh wait, The Boy and I did listen to The Lost Hero (Rick Riordan) in the car--it was good as only Rick Riordan books are...
The new puppy seems to be cutting into my book reading time...perhaps I'll read to her :)
Oh wait, The Boy and I did listen to The Lost Hero (Rick Riordan) in the car--it was good as only Rick Riordan books are...
The new puppy seems to be cutting into my book reading time...perhaps I'll read to her :)
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
The art of finding (or not) lost things
For 30 years I've kept a protractor in the top drawer of my desk. Have I used it in the last 25? Um, no. But I swear it has been there. Until tonight, when the boy forgot his at school and it is missing. (Luckily, the girl keeps a protractor in her top desk drawer, so,we're good). I did find some treasures while digging...let's see what we have here....
(in the interest of full disclosure, this is not a desk drawer, but rather a beer box, because my drawer was too full. This is technically the "extra" stuff...but the protractor should have been in the actual desk drawer...): A whole bunch of name tags...um, were we having a party and didn't use them? A really old cell phone, a pick (hmm, I've been wondering for 10 years where that is)...10,000 pens and pencils , giant eraser, recipe box that used to hold addresses

A Pirates of the Caribbean "journal", acidity test strips (no, I have no idea why or from when or, why...), silly putty, bar of soap, really old camera,
No protractor...d' oh...Maybe I should clean out the drawer more often...
(in the interest of full disclosure, this is not a desk drawer, but rather a beer box, because my drawer was too full. This is technically the "extra" stuff...but the protractor should have been in the actual desk drawer...): A whole bunch of name tags...um, were we having a party and didn't use them? A really old cell phone, a pick (hmm, I've been wondering for 10 years where that is)...10,000 pens and pencils , giant eraser, recipe box that used to hold addresses

A Pirates of the Caribbean "journal", acidity test strips (no, I have no idea why or from when or, why...), silly putty, bar of soap, really old camera,
No protractor...d' oh...Maybe I should clean out the drawer more often...
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