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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The new cats settle in...or not

So our new friends, Sid (the not so) Vicious and BOGO have been with us a few weeks.  Sid is basically a sharp stuffed animal who likes to hang out in weird places (here he is, wrapped up like a burrito...)  He's very mellow, except for when he's not and decides that all other living creatures are snacks.  He is remarkably tolerant of being toted, dragged, and otherwise bothered  by all of us who think he is hilarious. When he is being mellow, he turns to jello when picked trying to hold on to a slinky...
This is how Alice feels about the new cats...

And here is BOGO...she seems to migrate between "under the bed" and the master bath. She has occasionally ventured a few steps into the Bonus room, but always hustles back to the bedroom. She doesn't seem overly scared of the other pets--in fact, almost nightly, Alice charges at her and almost nightly she charges back.  I think she is just kind of a "homebody" and likes to hang out around her kingdom.
Here is what a "normal" evening looks like at our house these days....All three followed me into the bathroom and formed what The Boy calls the "triangle of hate" (although I think that Sid and BOGO are mainly apathetic in this illustration).

Sooo..they are settling in...we have occasional battles for sleeping on my feet and the other night The Girl reports she was "trapped" between Alice and Sid for a while until they got tired of growling and fell asleep...

Stay's like Wild Kingdom around here...

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