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Friday, April 7, 2017

What I read in March 2017

I found another series that I can't put down this month--I'm sure you'll figure out the theme...
1. Just One Damned Thing After Another (Jodi Taylor)--Sorry for the title...I came across this as a "Librarian suggestion" at the library...the series is about a woman who works for an organization that "investigates historical events in a contemporary fashion"  ("Don't call it time travel!").  Pretty entertaining and addictive, as you can tell by the additional titles this month...
2.  Miracle at Coney Island (Claire Prentice)--Nonfiction book about some of the first premature babies treated using Coney Island!  No kidding, before incubators were found (at all) in hospitals, there was a doctor who had an "exhibit" at Coney Island and is credited with saving hundreds, maybe thousands, of preemies.  The author wrote another book about Coney Island that is in my pile for next month.
3.  A Symphony of Echoes (Jodi Taylor)--continuing adventures...
4.  When a Child Is Born (Jodi Taylor)--and more, this one actually a short story, but entertaining none the less
5.  A Second Chance (Jodi Taylor)
6. A Bridge Across the Ocean (Susan Meissner)--Set on the Queen Mary, mostly, it is slightly different from Meissner's other books.  It still has historical fiction pieces, but there is also a bit of a ghost story that felt "extra".  Good book if you like Meissner,  probably not a good one to start with if you've never read anything by her.
7. The Castle of Lyr (Lloyd Alexander)--Sorry, Lloyd Alexander fans, I just can't get into these...but The Boy loves two more to listen to in the car and then we'll either have to go back to Harry or find a new series...They just seem like a bad copy of Lord of the Rings...and we all know the main character is going to grow up to be "King Arthur" (or whatever we are calling him in this version of the myth...)
8.  The Sleepwalker (Chris Bojalian)--Actually very good, and like all Bojalian's books, the twist was great--I should have seen it coming, but I didn't!
9.  A Trail Through Time (Jodi Taylor)
10.  No Time Like the Past (Jodi Taylor)

(Un) Fortunately, there are currently no more published Jodi Taylor books, so next month I will have to move on to something else...Don't worry, I have a pile that I am ready to dig in to!

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