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Sunday, April 23, 2017

Weekend Update (no, not that Weekend Update...)

I didn't get as much done in the garden as I wanted to--in fact, all I really got "done" was watering the things already planted.  There is lettuce (almost enough to pick) and kale (doesn't look so good...I don't think it likes the warm greenhouse) and a lot of sprouting things in both the greenhouse and the garden (I think, but I'm not sure, because the list is not right here:  asparagus (2 stalks, 5th year...I think I need to plant another plant), beets, cilantro, lettuce, kale, carrots, peas, lots of green onions and mint, some garlic, maybe some winter potatoes (or they might just be weeds).  The peach tree and grape vines both have blossoms and the tiger lilies are poking up in the front yard...probably we'll get snow this week, right?

We spent Friday night at the ski apartment--the girl stayed with a friend, so it was just The Boy, Mr. IM, the dogs, and I.  The snow is starting to melt and it is definitely mud season.  We're planning to keep the apartment through the summer and probably for next season as well, so we spent some time cleaning and sorting what was up there to switch out winter for summer stuff.  We also had a nice walk around Breckenridge and picked up some tourist magazines to decorate with. This was the first time the "new" cats stayed home "alone".  They all seem to be alive, so everything must have gone well.  (Their new game is for Alice and BOGO to chase each other and see whose tale is the fluffiest, while Sid watches)

Saturday I graded a giant pile of neglected papers and Sunday after church we spent some time looking for a new bed for The Girl (the rickety loft was removed a couple weeks ago).  In our search The Boy found his dream bed--a loft with a desk underneath (Um, wait...didn't we just remove that bed?)

So, an exciting weekend all around!

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