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Thursday, April 17, 2014

A brief introduction to Spring

These are pictures from last Saturday morning..
My little concrete ducks frolicking near some budding plants
The apple tree, with some blossoms

A few more buds
A little bunny statue that didn't survive the winter, or maybe he is just napping.  The Boy and I had a whole conversation about the bunny shorty after I took this picture.  The bunny is actually a hide-a-key...we didn't buy it to hide a key, I bought it because it was a cute bunny and was on clearance.  He was fascinated by the idea of a Hide a key...saying things like "well, if everybody knows about them, why don't robbers just open them and use the key?"  Good point, Kid.
Hey, catnip!
My pretty little birdie and some shrubs...

A few sprouts inside
But, uh, oh...what is this?  Clouds?
Sunday morning we went to church in the rain and by mid afternoon it looked like this...
Liberty enjoyed it, though and by Monday afternoon spring was to see what sprouts with all that extra moisture! Come on lettuce!

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