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Monday, April 28, 2014

Does he or doesn't he? Otherwise known as a Holiday Boy-ism

Before Easter Mr. Ranch and I and The Girl and I had separate conversations about whether The Boy still believed in the Easter Bunny.  We came to the conclusion that he did, after some investigation  by The Girl, in fact, still believe.  So I dutifully helped "the bunny" get all the Easter eggs stuffed and the baskets ready and the eggs hidden, staying up after the children and the Mister went to bed to finish the projects without anyone interrupting me and the Bunny.  (Except Alice the Cat...she kept stealing eggs from the bunny and batting them around, thus hiding them in new places and making them hard for me, I mean the Bunny, to find).

When The Girl came downstairs on Easter Sunday morning she said to me something like "Gee, the Easter Bunny doesn't seem to try to hide the eggs as well as he used to."  I told her if she was lucky the Easter Bunny will have had his (her) coffee before "the bunny" had to process that statement and that she was lucky the Bunny still visited, given that she is almost a teenager....oh, and that an egg "hidden" on the tv cabinet is much harder to find when you are two and can't see the it is less of the Bunny not trying and more of the kids being big and running out of "new" places to hide eggs.  Then I, I mean the Bunny, had more coffee.
Then on Easter afternoon, The Boy turns to me and says with a straight face "Hey, Mom, I really like how you put two half candy eggs in this whole plastic egg so it is like an egg in an egg."  The Girl says that I literally blinked twice at him, speechless, as she said, "What do you mean?!  It wasn't Mom, it was the Easter Bunny."  The Boy's responses?  "Yeah, whatever, same difference." Um, ok...just wait, Buddy...Santa's going to have something to say about this!

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