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Sunday, October 12, 2014

It's fall

So, I'm trying to spread the blogging out and have one post every 3 days or so...sorry if you've become accustomed to every other day...I think you'll live.  This school year is kind of brutal...eesh.  I quite often find myself writing these on Sunday night and setting the timer for later in the week..oh well.

The garden, except for the potatoes (which can wait for after the first frost) is done.  I'll keep checking it every few days, there were a few tiny cucumbers and some tomato blossoms that might survive.  I brought two pepper plants in to see if we can grow peppers through part of the winter, although Alice the Cat is doing her best to eat all the leaves and baby peppers right off the plant...grrr.--The tomato pots were too big and bulky to deal with, so they stay outside  Maybe I'll plant one inside later this winter.  I've left the flowers to the mercy of the elements, they are still pretty, but their days are numbered!
As seen on Facebook--green tomatoes and cucumbers, hurriedly picked before a frost threat.
Carrots--not a bad amount...a couple meals worth...and let's be serious, I don't have a garden to survive on, I have one because it is fun---and look at how cute those short, fat carrots are!!!
To celebrate fall, we headed to downtown Castle Rock for Oktoberfest (yes, that is how you spell it, when it is the "Fall Harvest Festival".

Here's my attempt at being artsy--see the flowers growing through the bench?  Oooh, ahh...
Um...don't even know what to say, except that the flamingo is cute :)
We had some tasty brats with sauerkraut...yummy!
and did a little shopping--this cute little trailer is a shop now, behind the antique (junk) store.  IM said he would consider an "RV like that one"  (say it in your head like Cousin Eddie, with a southern drawl and its like you were with us)

And the coolest part of the festival (really) was this Lego display and the "Lego Launcher" that The Boy had a chance to try!

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