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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Happy Halloween!

This weekend is going to be a whirlwind of fun--I'll have to give a good update when it is all over.  In the meantime here's a link to a couple Halloween history posts--here and here.
This year The Boy plans to be The Wolverine and The Girl and one of her friends are going to be "Crazy Best Friends" (whatever that means).

At this point the plan is that the kids will trick or treat independently in the neighborhood this year--we're embracing Free Range Parenting with both arms this year.

The other articles I'm really enjoying this week are from Huffington Post--1970's Halloween compared to today and one about Six Foot Tall Trick or Treaters.  My 1970's Halloweens were very different from the one in the article, but it described many of my friends to a t--and it was funny.  Actually the only Halloween I remember with any clarity is the year my neighbor, M, caught his costume on fire trying to put out a leaf fire. (Don't worry, everyone was fine). The Six Foot Trick or Treaters struck a I have an 8th grader, who although much shorter than six feet, is beginning to seem a little old to be going door to door without her younger brother in tow.

Here's a classic 1970's (maybe early 80's) Halloween Picture--I'm not really sure what's going on here, but there is a lot to look at.  I really liked that nightgown...I kind of wish I had it now..and don't get me started on that chair--it eventually made it to my room, with a different cover--most comfortable chair I've ever owned.  There is a rumor that my brother released toxic fumes into the world by burning it many years later, but that is a story for another day...

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