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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Spring Break 2017--Whoo Hooo!!!

Spring break started a little early this year--with a Snow Day! Apparently, the snow day was actually in response to a great deal of my district not having power. The weather in my district was not terrible, but, the Boy's school canceled and the Girl was on Spring Break anyway and was at a friend's house.  I realized school was canceled because when I woke up at 4:45  the weather here was I checked the district website just in case...and whoo hoo!  I had the Boy turn off his alarm clock and we slept until 7 (crazy!).  By 8:00, Mr. IM was off to work and I was in the yard, in my pajamas, boots, and an insulated raincoat, using painter's tape to repair my greenhouse.  After it warms up, I can (hopefully) remove the painter's tape and repair the damage with clear tape. Yowsers, was it windy!  The arch blew over, thankfully the tree didn't become uprooted. I used a leftover tree support to prop it all back up until warmer weather.  The Boy and I bummed around the house, made homemade tomato soup and grilled cheese, watched some Lord of the Rings and got him ready for his snowboard weekend.  I also emailed all my classes and wished them a great break (and reminded them that they can turn in their papers anytime, using the electronic features on the school website....)  After lunch and a shower, I sent Mr. IM (who came home early-ish) and The Boy off on their usual ski/snowboard expedition.  I went to Dollar Tree to pick up some 25 cent seed packages (you can never have too many seeds) and to Sprouts to get some veggies and check out their bulk food aisles.  I picked up The Girl and her friend and took them to the church Fish Fry for some hanging out with school and church peeps.  We did a little shopping in the church gift shop (hello, sale!) and came home with a $5 copy of Mom's Night Out (Trust me, it is a classic on the same par as North Avenue Irregulars....).  After dropping off her friend, the Girl and I watched our new movie and called it a day.
Those crazy dogs let me sleep until 7:30!  I puttered around the yard (it's pretty wet) and the kitchen. Found a frozen coffee cake for breakfast, make coffee, puttered some more, did some laundry, wrote a blog (Wonder Weeks).  I decided it was my spring break, so between laundry loads I "read a book" (ie:  napped) on the  couch and came to the conclusion we really need to just go buy a couch.  Sigh.  The Girl wandered in, we had more coffee cake and then went "Swim Suit Shopping"...After successfully finding a suit, we had a late Chick Fil A lunch (yum) and came home. The Girl has spent her Spring Break cleaning her room, resulting in a large pile of discarded and outgrown books, clothes, toys, craft supplies, etc, as well as many "gifts" to family and friends.  She inspired to me clean out my closet today (well, part of it...I cleaned clothes, there are still boxes to deal with).  We spent a few hours in her room sorting books and had "find what you want" for dinner...followed by renting "Grown Ups 2" while doing laundry. We are wild animals.
Stay tuned for more exciting installments!

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