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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

More Spring Break 2017

The Spring Break wildness is just unstoppable!

Monday morning we were up, while not bright and early, brighter and earlier than we might usually be.  Mr. IM took the Girl to school (sorry kid) and The Boy and I proceeded to DOWNTOWN to go to the Museum of Nature and Science with friends.  There is a Viking exhibit there, that with my friend's membership discount, is well worth the trip (as we discussed at length, it would not have been worth the $28 per adult and $15 per student that is advertised on the website). We used the local library Adventure Passes to get some us of in for free, so between memberships and passes, eight of us were able to get into the museum for free and the Viking exhibit for a greatly reduced price.

The Viking exhibit inspired me to sing this song all day:  Veggie Tales Vikings Song  (fast forward to 1:00 for the real ear-catching portion), greatly annoying my friends.  The hits of the exhibit seemed to be:  being able to try to lift a Viking sword and seeing one of the 8th-grade teachers from the boys' school (who was working a docent) . We visited "all" the other exhibits, were "trapped" briefly in a lung dissection seminar, and realized that adding a couple more kids to the group would allow us to qualify as a "group".  We've decided to form a Home Schooling Cooperative that cooperatively decided to send our children to school, but meet as a cooperative during breaks.  I think it sounds perfectly logical.

We also realized that the advantage of the oldest child and youngest child being in different districts than the herd of boys is that the herd stays pretty close together.  And, they are now all old enough that we were comfortable lecturing them, giving instructions about "stay in this exhibit" and then sitting down in those chairs that we never understood the purpose of when our kids were younger.  ("Oh, this is why there are chairs and benches on the edges and in the middle of every exhibit!  Crazy!").  We took the herd to the beautiful balcony where the solar telescopes are and spent quite a bit of time enjoying the view while the boys learned about solar flares.  The weather was perfect spring break weather!

We spent a long morning re-exploring the museum and chatting before heading to Chick fil A for lunch.  We did drive to the Chick Fil A in Suburbia, I'd like to think mainly because we know where it is and where to park, although I have over-analyzed my motives a few times.  It's all good...After lunch, the Boy and I headed home, where I dropped him off for some mindless screen time and I headed to the grocery store...I'm telling you...wild and crazy stuff.  I picked up the Girl from track practice, unloaded groceries, made dinner and went to bed early with a book...

Tuesday both the Boy and I slept in (I think I hit snooze about twenty times).  We decided this was fine, because it was cold and rainy.  We did a little cleaning (none that you would notice), went to the library, watched a couple movies, read books, made pitas, made soup, and generally enjoyed our lazy day.  After I picked up the Girl, we had a repeat of Monday night--a little tv and then early to bed with a book.  We did have some brief entertainment about "normal" bedtime--Sid the Cat seemed displeased that all the people were headed for bed.  He started out in They Boy's room, allegedly sleeping, visited the Girl, woke her up, then proceeded to our room to mew at Mr IM who was changing after working out.  He's a busy little cat...

Today's activities include monitoring the temperature in the greenhouse (it snowed last night--typical spring break) and perhaps cleaning the Boy's room enough to walk in and out.  We'll see.  He is actually still sleeping--I wandered by about 15 minutes ago to see if I could start harassing him to clean and his room is dark and he's in bed...I'd be suspicious if it wasn't so dark outside!  Most of the pets are snuggled around the fireplace--Morrison has been out, but Liberty looked at me like I was nuts when I asked her if she wanted to go out (I assume Mr. IM made her go out before I came downstairs, she seems pretty peaceful).  This evening is 9th and 10th grade College Prep Night at the Girl's school--it is scheduled from 6pm to 9:30 pm with seminars to attend...I'm thinking that I may attend one set of seminars, but learning how to navigate the Naviance system at 8:30 tonight might not be a priority...(Although there could be parent functions I don't know about...we'll see).

Stay tuned for more Spring Break Adventures from the Suburban Ranch!

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