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Monday, July 14, 2014

Hey, who wants to hear about the garden?!!!

The garden hasn't taken off as fast as I'd like--although today we did harvest some garlic and spent time looking for either ways to harvest it or to cook it, but more on that later.  We've had lots of lettuce, spinach, and kale in salads, as well as some peas  and radishes.

Here's how the garden and yard are looking...
the corn was knee high by the Fourth of July!  Green beans, carrots, and cucumbers are growing.

 Look!  An apple on the tree!  I'm getting excited about this miniature orchard!

 There are a few peppers, of various kinds, starting to grow bigger.

 And flowers, of course!  This is the yellow rose bush the family gave me for Mother's Day a few years ago.

 These are IM's hostas...they seem to have something mysterious eating's not the annoying slugs from my garden, because Sluggo has had zero impact.  It might be aphids, so today I used dish soap...we'll see if that does the trick.

 The catnip is going crazy...if you're local and want some, come on  by...
 This year, instead of buying flowers, I planted wildflowers--it is taking them a while to fill out, but they are looking pretty.
 One last wide view...the potatoes are in the far back buckets, there are tomatoes and peppers in the others.  Hopefully IM will remember to water them while I'm out of town!

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