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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Names vs Nicknames, Part 2

So after my previous blog about names vs. nicknames, here's the conversation that happened on Facebook (edited, slightly, to protect the innocent...)

Friend B:  I like that you call them by nicknames on the blog, I think it's cute!
    • June 26 at 8:47am · Unlike · 2
    • Friend A:   It's your blog. Do what you want. If she wants to start a blog where she calls your kids by their names, that's on her.
    • June 26 at 9:42am · Unlike · 2
    • Friend J: Totally your call--I have seen it done both ways. Personally, I love "The Boy," "The Girl," and "Mr. Ranch" 
      June 26 at 11:31am · Unlike · 1
  • Mr. Ranch:   I think my name sounds like a salad dressing. Can I get a new one?
    June 26 at 1:24pm · Like · 1
  • Grandude:  I kinda like the boy, girl, Mr. & Mrs. Ranch. Tell Mr. Ranch he can either be Mr. Ranch or the salad.
  • Me:  Who would you like to be, Mr. Ranch?
  • Mr. Ranch: Inigo Montoya
    June 26 at 2:03pm · Unlike · 3
  • Friend C: Those of us that do know you know their names so I always insert their names when I read your posts. Keep using the nicknames.
    June 26 at 2:23pm · Unlike · 1
  • Me: Nice, Mr Ranch....
  • Friend G: I call my boys dawg all the time. Like T-Dawg. I also try not to use names online if I can help it for the same reasons as you listed. Plus they're just kids - who knows what implications there will be to what we posted now 20 years from now? It may seem obvious to us/them in 20 years that we never should have even used any kind of social media at all and they won't appreciate that we've splattered the pictures all over the place without their consent.
    June 27 at 12:11pm · Unlike · 1
  • Friend G: Mr Ranch, every time you get one of those nametags that says, "Hello, my name is..." you know how to fill it out! Eventually that nickname will stick. 
    June 27 at 12:11pm · Unlike · 2

When we discussed this issue as a family a few days ago, The Girl said she would like to be called "Princess Sparkle Pony", but that is too many words to type every time.  It looks like the consensus is that Mr Ranch is now Inigo Montoya (I shall abbreviate it as "IM", because, like I said before, I'm not that into typing long names) and the kids are still The Girl and The Boy.  Or perhaps Mr. Ranch will now be "The Salad"...we'll see.

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