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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Too much, or not enough, to write about...

The other night I was suffering from writer's block and posted this on Facebook--here is the conversation that followed (and some commentary at the end)

"Ok, I need some noncontroversial blog post ideas again  Go ahead...make your suggestions...I might not take them...but go ahead      "
  •  Friend R:  food is always good
    July 12 at 8:51pm · Unlike · 1
  • Friend S:   the pros and cons to shaving your legs all summer long....
  • Me:  Are you implying that I cook? or shave? 
    July 12 at 8:52pm · Like · 2
  • Me:  He, he..
  • Friend P:  Everything is controversial to someone!
    July 12 at 10:05pm · Unlike · 1
  • My Mother:  shoot i just lost a whole list of silly ideas and lost them....should not type on my kindle.....i will try again but am sure these wont be as good.....classroom changes/no more erasers to pound..........the best gift you have received/given.......lesson learned from grandmother/ old math question what would you do with 1000000 sugar cubes that you won/where would you have the delivery man put favorite childhood toy/book/Christmas decoration/bedroom etc........what would you do with $1000000.........a silly rule.........a needed rule/law...........your bucket list.........eight historic/famous or not people you would like to have at the dinner table with you.......the horrible clothes your mother made you wear as a child.....the great clothes she would not let you wear.......summer/summer vacation as a child compared with as a parent........what you would tell yourself to mark highschool/college better/easier/more to prevent your mother from posting a silly list on FB........GOOD LUCK WITH you...........ahhh how about things my mother never found out that i did or still be grounded
    • Yesterday at 5:41am · Like · 1
    • My Mother: or how about.....if i could fly i would go to _______ .......the silliest item in my kitchen cupboard.......5 kitchen items that are most usefull........5 kitchen items that are useless.........the yet unused wedding gift.......the most used wedding gift........what to do with a new extra large box of crayons........unusual ways to recycle/use common items.........the items i hope my parents leave me/the items i hope my parent will to my brother.......the funniest place i have found my car keys......if i could time travel i would spend 24 hours at_______ ........the best bargain i ever found.........the silly things i have bought..........if i was granted 3 wishes they would be.........the most fun i have ever had.........i will dedicate my first book to........the best/worse teacher i e e r had............what if the world was black and white instead of in color........what value are with dusty/howie/bobbie'...........what if i got a horse for Christmas when i asked for one
    • Yesterday at 6:16am · Like · 1
    • Friend R: The end of summer...
    • Me:True, P...just wait until I get started on my mom's list of suggestions  Or on R's end of summer post...not writing that one R, because I'm in denial 
      Yesterday at 6:59am · Like · 1
    • My Mom: Face do not dare touch some of the ones on your mom's list....danger, danger, danger 
      Yesterday at 7:59am · Unlike · 1
    • Friend R: how long do you have to keep crayons and construction paper if your kids are in high school?
      • Yesterday at 11:16am · Unlike · 1
      • Friend R: While sorting through old crap I found... for me it was 12 yr old receipts that we were too lazy to throw away.
        Yesterday at 11:17am · Unlike · 1
      • Me: I could do a whole story on the antiquated things I found in my desk drawer when we packed up for the remodel at school--a slide rule, chalk, several kinds of chalk holders, colored chalk,.....
        Yesterday at 2:39pm · Like · 1
      • My Father-in-law: I am thinking of doing a nothing but controversy blog, lol
        13 hours ago · Unlike · 1
      • My Mom:  how about a blog about the things you cleaned out of your car when you got the new one-----we still have a bag of stuff in the back room that came out of the old one
        8 hours ago · Unlike · 1
      • Me:  I think I finally have all the stuff either put into the new car or thrown out--that would be a fun blog...
      • My Brother: You could tell about the time your child met a major head of state and Nobel Peace Prize winner, how could anyone have anything negative to say about that?:-)
        49 minutes ago · Unlike · 1
      • Me:  Oh, J , you're a week behind, The Girl already used my blog to tell about that!
        34 minutes ago · Like

  • So, um, there you go...I suppose you are all now looking forward to a post about "what my parents never found out about" or the yet unused wedding gift...but the answer to what my parents never found out  Nothing?  That I left my brother at the pool once?  No, wait...they knew about that.  That I had a Johnny Depp poster in my closet?  Pretty sure they knew about that and didn't care....Um, that once after a "slumber party" we all "went jogging" at 5 am and threw pebbles at our friend, J's window until he woke up? Nope, wait, already told about that...Sorry secrets here. Now,if we want to talk about my brother... (he, he...)
  • And the wedding gifts?Gee...we've broken so many, I can't imagine there are any we haven't used...maybe I should post a list of what wedding gifts we need replacements for because we've worn them out....(dish towels, bath towels, bath mats....)  I'd be happy to send our address to anyone who has spare linens around... (see, Mom, that answers what I want left to me as well...sort of) Stay tuned...there are some good subjects on there for "vacation" blog posts...

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