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Saturday, September 6, 2014

Surprises are funny

While we were on vacation, my mom and The Boy walked down to the dumpster to drop off some trash.  When mom opened the dumpster lid, a squirrel jumped out--right over her shoulder, and ran off.  I wish there was video of it...I'm sure it was really only funny if you were "there"...Mom said the funniest part was the look on The Boy's face...kind of like..."ummmm, should I laugh or scream?".  For days we had to reenact the event every time we walked by the dumpster.  I suppose it was made especially funny because there is a dumpster scene in the book "Masters of Disaster"  (Gary Paulsen...I'm not it...even better, get a hold of the recorded version, the reader is a hoot!).
The Boy, reenacting the squirrel surprise, while my dad looks on and the rest of us giggle hysterically.

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