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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

When the sign isn't clear...

The state park we stayed at has a pretty extensive trail system--well marked, nice to walk on.  Most of the trails we remembered at least partially from trips in the 70's and 80's, but a couple times we wanted to check one of these handy "you are here" signs to figure out if we were going the right way or to the location we wanted to go to.

So, if you saw this sign, what would you think your present location was?  Please say, "4", because that's what I thought for days.  I was always very confused though, because when I referred to the map (see below) we were never at #4., turns out that all the signs are alike and what is different are the numbered plates above and below the "you are here".  Ah.  So, we were actually at location 9 in this case.  Oh...That makes so much more sense.  I was feeling very thoughtful after I realized my mistake and how often in life I think I'm at one place and then someone points out something and I think..."oh, dear, I don't have a clue what I'm doing or where I'm going...."  So this crazy sign is a little like the Bible...once I knew how to read it, I was just fine.  I guess it it is a good reminder to slow down and watch for God's signposts and stop trying to find my own way without paying attention to what is really going on!

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